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Eclipse IDE 2018-09: What's New, What's Improved, and What's Next



Eclipse is a free open source platform, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with the help of which applications are made using various programming languages like Java, Python, C/C++, Ruby, and many more. It is composed of many plug-ins and is designed to be extensible using additional plug-ins. Eclipse IDE can be used for any programming language for which a plug-in is available.

eclipse download 2018-09

Eclipse IDE is widely used by Java developers because it offers many advantages, such as:

  • It supports the latest Java versions and technologies, such as Java 9, JEE, JPA, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, etc.

  • It provides a rich set of tools for code editing, refactoring, debugging, testing, profiling, and deploying Java applications.

  • It integrates with popular tools and frameworks, such as Maven, Gradle, JUnit, Git, SVN, etc.

  • It has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.

  • It has a vast ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality and support various domains and languages.

In this article, you will learn how to download and install Eclipse on Windows, how to use some of its basic and advanced features for Java development, and how to compare it with other popular IDEs.

How to Download and Install Eclipse on Windows

To download and install Eclipse on Windows, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the package.

  • Run the Eclipse installer that you downloaded and select a folder where you want to install Eclipse. You can also change the default settings if you want.

  • Launch Eclipse and create a workspace. A workspace is a folder where you store your projects and preferences. You can have multiple workspaces for different purposes.

How to Use Eclipse IDE for Java Development

Once you have installed Eclipse and created a workspace, you can start using it for Java development. Here are some basic tasks that you can do with Eclipse:

How to Create a Java Project

To create a Java project in Eclipse, you need to do the following:

  • Go to File -> New -> Project.

  • Select Java Project from the list of project types and click Next.

  • Enter a name for your project and choose a JDK version that you want to use. You can also change other settings if you need to. Click Finish.

  • You will see your project in the Package Explorer view. You can expand it to see its contents, such as source folders, libraries, and configuration files.

How to Write and Run Java Code

To write and run Java code in Eclipse, you need to do the following:

  • Create a Java class in your project. You can do this by right-clicking on the source folder and choosing New -> Class. Enter a name for your class and optionally a package name. You can also choose to generate a main method or other methods if you want.

  • Write your Java code in the editor. You can use the code completion feature to help you write faster and avoid errors. You can press Ctrl+Space to activate it and see the suggestions that Eclipse provides. You can also use the quick fix feature to correct common problems, such as missing imports or semicolons. You can press Ctrl+1 to activate it and see the possible solutions that Eclipse offers.

  • Run your Java code in Eclipse. You can do this by right-clicking on your class or project and choosing Run As -> Java Application. You will see the output of your program in the Console view. You can also use the Run button on the toolbar or press Ctrl+F11 to run your code.

How to Use Code Completion, Refactoring, and Debugging Tools

Eclipse provides many tools that can help you write better and more efficient Java code. Some of these tools are:

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Code Completion

Code completion is a feature that helps you write code faster and avoid errors by suggesting possible words or expressions that match what you are typing. You can activate it by pressing Ctrl+Space and see the list of suggestions that Eclipse provides. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the list and press Enter to select a suggestion. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+Space to see more specific suggestions, such as method parameters or exception types.


Refactoring is a process of changing the structure or design of your code without changing its functionality. It can help you improve the readability, maintainability, and performance of your code. Eclipse provides many refactoring options that you can access by right-clicking on your code and choosing Refactor. Some of the common refactoring options are:

  • Rename: This option allows you to change the name of a variable, method, class, or package and update all the references to it automatically.

  • Extract Method: This option allows you to create a new method from a selected block of code and replace it with a call to the new method.

  • Extract Variable: This option allows you to create a new variable from a selected expression and replace it with the new variable.

  • Inline: This option allows you to replace a variable or method call with its definition or body.

  • Move: This option allows you to move a class, method, or field to another package, class, or interface.

  • Change Method Signature: This option allows you to change the name, parameters, return type, or visibility of a method and update all the calls to it automatically.


Debugging is a process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in your code. Eclipse provides a powerful debugging tool that allows you to run your code step by step, inspect the values of variables, set breakpoints, watch expressions, evaluate expressions, and modify variables. To use the debugging tool, you need to do the following:

  • Set breakpoints in your code where you want to pause the execution and inspect the state of your program. You can do this by double-clicking on the left margin of the editor or by right-clicking on a line of code and choosing Toggle Breakpoint.

  • Run your code in debug mode by right-clicking on your class or project and choosing Debug As -> Java Application. You will see your code in the Debug perspective, which has several views that show different aspects of your program.

  • Use the buttons on the toolbar or press F5, F6, F7, or F8 to step into, step over, step return, or resume your code execution. You can also use Ctrl+Shift+I to inspect the value of a variable or expression under your cursor.

  • Use the Variables view to see the values of variables in different scopes. You can also modify the values of variables by double-clicking on them or by right-clicking on them and choosing Change Value.

  • Use the Breakpoints view to see and manage all the breakpoints that you have set in your code. You can enable or disable breakpoints, delete or edit breakpoints, or add conditions or actions to breakpoints.

  • Use the Expressions view to see the values of expressions that you want to watch. You can add expressions by right-clicking on the view and choosing Add Watch Expression.

  • Use the Display view to evaluate expressions or execute statements in the context of the current stack frame. You can enter expressions or statements in the view and press Ctrl+U to evaluate them.

How to Use Advanced Features of Eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE also has many advanced features that can make your Java development more productive and enjoyable. Some of these features are:

How to Switch Editors Using Ctrl+Tab

If you have multiple editors open in Eclipse, you can switch between them quickly using Ctrl+Tab. This will show a list of open editors that you can navigate using the arrow keys or the mouse. You can also press Ctrl+E to see a pop-up window that shows all the open editors and allows you to filter them by typing.

How to Group Related Projects in Working Sets

If you have many projects in your workspace, you can group them into working sets to organize them better. A working set is a logical collection of projects that you can use to filter or select projects in various views. To create a working set, you need to do the following:

  • Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Working Sets.

  • Click New and choose a working set type, such as Java or Resource.

  • Enter a name for your working set and select the projects that you want to include in it. Click Finish.

  • You will see your working set in the Package Explorer view. You can also switch between different working sets using the drop-down menu on the toolbar.

How to Generate Getters and Setters, Hashcode and Equals, and ToString Methods

Eclipse IDE can help you generate some common methods for your Java classes, such as getters and setters, hashcode and equals, and toString methods. To generate these methods, you need to do the following:

  • Select your class or a field in your class in the Package Explorer view or the editor.

  • Right-click on it and choose Source -> Generate Getters and Setters / Hashcode and Equals / ToString.

  • Select the fields or options that you want to include in your methods and click OK.

  • Eclipse will generate the methods for you and insert them in your class.

How to Add Code Around a Block of Code Using Alt+Shift+Z

If you want to add some code around a block of code, such as a try-catch block, an if-else statement, or a for loop, you can use Alt+Shift+Z to do it quickly. This will show a list of templates that you can apply to your code. You can select a template using the arrow keys or the mouse and press Enter to insert it. You can also customize the templates or create your own ones by going to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Templates.

How to Use Smart Javadoc Comments

Eclipse IDE can help you write Javadoc comments for your Java classes, methods, and fields. Javadoc comments are special comments that describe the purpose, parameters, return values, exceptions, and other aspects of your code. They can be used to generate HTML documentation or tooltips for your code. To write Javadoc comments in Eclipse, you need to do the following:

  • Type / above your class, method, or field and press Enter.

  • Eclipse will generate a Javadoc comment template for you with some placeholders that you can fill in.

  • Type @param, @return, @throws, or @see followed by a space and press Ctrl+Space to see the suggestions that Eclipse provides for these tags.

  • Type @link followed by a space and press Ctrl+Space to see the suggestions that Eclipse provides for linking to other classes, methods, or fields.

How to Compare Eclipse IDE with Other IDEs

Eclipse IDE is not the only IDE that you can use for Java development. There are other popular IDEs that have their own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some comparisons between Eclipse IDE and other IDEs:

NetBeans vs. Eclipse

is another free open source IDE that supports Java and other languages. It has some similarities and differences with Eclipse IDE, such as:

FeatureEclipse IDE NetBeans

InstallationEclipse IDE requires a separate JDK installation and a manual selection of a package or plugins.NetBeans comes with a bundled JDK and a single installer that includes all the features.

PerformanceEclipse IDE is faster and more responsive, especially for large projects.NetBeans is slower and more memory-intensive, especially for large projects.

User InterfaceEclipse IDE has a more customizable and flexible user interface, with multiple perspectives, views, and editors.NetBeans has a more simple and consistent user interface, with fewer options and windows.

FeaturesEclipse IDE has more features and plugins for Java development, such as code completion, refactoring, debugging, testing, profiling, and deploying.NetBeans has fewer features and plugins for Java development, but some of them are more intuitive and easy to use, such as GUI design, database access, and web development.

CommunityEclipse IDE has a larger and more active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.NetBeans has a smaller and less active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.

Visual Studio vs. Eclipse

is a commercial IDE that supports Java and other languages. It has some similarities and differences with Eclipse IDE, such as:

FeatureEclipse IDEVisual Studio

InstallationEclipse IDE requires a separate JDK installation and a manual selection of a package or plugins.Visual Studio comes with a bundled JDK and a single installer that includes all the features.

PerformanceEclipse IDE is faster and more responsive, especially for large projects.Visual Studio is slower and more memory-intensive, especially for large projects.

User InterfaceEclipse IDE has a more customizable and flexible user interface, with multiple perspectives, views, and editors.Visual Studio has a more simple and consistent user interface, with fewer options and windows.

FeaturesEclipse IDE has more features and plugins for Java development, such as code completion, refactoring, debugging, testing, profiling, and deploying.Visual Studio has fewer features and plugins for Java development, but some of them are more integrated and powerful, such as IntelliSense, CodeLens, Live Share, and Azure DevOps.

CommunityEclipse IDE has a larger and more active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.Visual Studio has a smaller and less active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.

IntelliJ IDEA vs. Eclipse

is another commercial IDE that supports Java and other languages. It has some similarities and differences with Eclipse IDE, such as:

FeatureEclipse IDEIntelliJ IDEA

InstallationEclipse IDE requires a separate JDK installation and a manual selection of a package or plugins.IntelliJ IDEA comes with a bundled JDK and a single installer that includes all the features.

PerformanceEclipse IDE is faster and more responsive, especially for large projects.IntelliJ IDEA is slower and more memory-intensive, especially for large projects.

User InterfaceEclipse IDE has a more customizable and flexible user interface, with multiple perspectives, views, and editors.IntelliJ IDEA has a more simple and consistent user interface, with fewer options and windows.

FeaturesEclipse IDE has more features and plugins for Java development, such as code completion, refactoring, debugging, testing, profiling, and deploying.IntelliJ IDEA has fewer features and plugins for Java development, but some of them are more smart and innovative, such as Smart Completion, Smart Refactoring, Smart Debugging, Smart Testing, Smart Profiling, and Smart Deploying.

CommunityEclipse IDE has a larger and more active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.IntelliJ IDEA has a smaller and less active community of developers who contribute to its development and improvement.


In this article, you have learned how to download and install Eclipse IDE on Windows, how to use some of its basic and advanced features for Java development, and how to compare it with other popular IDEs. Eclipse IDE is a powerful and versatile IDE that can help you create high-quality Java applications. However, it is not the only option that you have. You can also try other IDEs that may suit your needs better. The best way to find out which IDE is the best for you is to try them yourself and see which one you like the most.

If you want to learn more about Eclipse IDE or Java development in general, you can check out these resources:

  • : This is the official documentation of Eclipse IDE that covers all its features and functions.

  • : This is a collection of tutorials that teach you how to use Eclipse IDE for various purposes and domains.

  • : This is a collection of tutorials that teach you the basics and advanced concepts of Java programming language.

  • : This is the official documentation of Java programming language that covers all its features and functions.

  • : This is a forum where you can ask questions and get answers from other Java developers.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Eclipse IDE:

What are the system requirements for Eclipse IDE?

The system requirements for Eclipse IDE vary depending on the package or plugins that you choose. However, the minimum requirements are:

  • A JDK 8 or higher installed on your system.

  • A Windows 7 or higher operating system with at least 2 GB of RAM and 1 GB of disk space.

  • A monitor with at least 1024 x 768 resolution.

  • A stable internet connection for downloading updates or plugins.

How can I update Eclipse IDE to the latest version?

To update Eclipse IDE to the latest version, you need to do the following:

  • Go to Help -> Check for Updates.

  • Select the updates that you want to install and click Next.

  • Review the license agreements and accept them if you agree. Click Finish.

  • Restart Eclipse when prompted to complete the installation.

How can I install plugins for Eclipse IDE?

To install plugins for Eclipse IDE, you need to do the following:

  • Go to Help -> Install New Software.

  • Select an update site from the drop-down menu or enter a URL of an update site that contains the plugin that you want to install. Click Next.

  • Select the plugin that you want to install and click Next.

  • Review the license agreements and accept them if you agree. Click Finish.

  • Restart Eclipse when prompted to complete the installation.

How can I change the appearance and theme of Eclipse IDE?

To change the appearance and theme of Eclipse IDE, you need to do the following:

  • Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance.

  • Select a theme from the drop-down menu or click on the Customize button to change the colors, fonts, and icons of the user interface.

  • Click Apply and Close to save your changes.

How can I export and import Eclipse preferences?

To export and import Eclipse preferences, you need to do the following:

  • Go to File -> Export -> General -> Preferences.

  • Select the preferences that you want to export and choose a file name and location. Click Finish.

  • Go to File -> Import -> General -> Preferences.

  • Select the file that contains the preferences that you want to import and click Finish.


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